What is Tributes.in ?

Death of any near and dear one is always painful yet inescapable. We have created this simple platform which will enable you to create, communicate and share obituary, ritual details, pay tributes through a life time profile page with photo and video of the deceased.

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Create a Tribute Page
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and save thousands of rupees for your tributes and obituary ads in newspapers
Death ends a life, not a relationship and the memories. मौत जीवन का अंत करती है - रिश्तों और यादों का नहीं
The life of the departed lives in the memory of the alive. जो चले गये उनकी जिंदगी जीवितों की स्मृति में बसी रहती है

Salient Features


Create the page in few minutes and share real time information about the demise of a person with everyone on whatsapp, facebook, email & SMS directly from the page


Write the biography and life summary of the deceased and preserve his life time memories by posting photos & videos on the page


Share all the information about rituals like uthavna, funeral and baithak etc. on whatsapp, facebook and sms with everyone directly from the page


Send your condolence message and share your beautiful memories with the deceased person on the tribute page with everyone

Create a Tribute Page

How to create a tribute page

Choose Page Name & Plan

Choose Page Name & Plan

Choose a domain - tributes.in or shraddhanjali.com, on which you want to create the lifetime tribute page and select a plan.

Design Tribute Page

Design Tribute Page

Design a personalized tribute page using easy in-built tools & beautiful themes. Add personal details, biography, photos & videos

Share Ritual Details

Share Ritual Details

Feed all ritual related information like funeral, cremation, prayer meeting and other events with all details and share it directly from the page through whatsapp, facebook & sms

Invite Family & Friends

Invite Family & Friends

Use in-built tools to invite all your friends and family members through facebook, whatsapp, email or SMS to share their lifetime memories


tributes.in really helped in bridging the emotional gap created due to the pandemic situation.Its was mid of April and no one from our family could attend the funeral of my father and at that point the condolence messages and tributes we could receive on the tribute page was a solace for our family. we felt closely knitted with the feeling people shared on the page.
Abhishek Khaitan, Guwahati
It was really a tough time for me and my family when I lost my husband. Seeing condolence messages and sharing of memories on tribute page by lot of people made me feel that people stood by my side in my tough time. People who could not express their feelings in person now have a platform to share it with their near and dear ones.
Nidhi Agarwal, Sibsagar
tributes.in is a great initiative to let people express their condolence in a very easy and effective way. The death of my brother was very sudden and due to pandemic situation we could not attend his funeral. The condolence messages and memories shared by family members and relatives was of great help in the time of our grief.
Vinay Rasiwasia, Kolkata


Give a Tribute to someone special and see how your family and friends react - it'll be priceless (trust us)!

Create a Tribute Page

For any help or assistance call us on +91-88 8282 0000

OR tributes +91-60 0331 3741
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